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[vc_tab title=”Title 1″ tab_id=”1397181318-1-28″ icon=”hb-moon-pen”]Tab Content Goes Here[/vc_tab]
[vc_tab title=”Title 2″ tab_id=”1397181318-2-65″ icon=”hb-moon-image”]Supports all other shortcodes[/vc_tab]
[vc_tour position=”left-tabs”]
[vc_tab title=”Title 1″ tab_id=”1397181318-1-28″ icon=”hb-moon-pen”]Tab Content Goes Here[/vc_tab]
[vc_tab title=”Title 2″ tab_id=”1397181318-2-65″ icon=”hb-moon-image”]Supports all other shortcodes[/vc_tab]
1. You can only use these shortcodes as Visual Composer Drag & Drop elements.
2. Visit Theme Documentation for available arguments and more information. View Documentation Now.